- I’m taking three courses: Introduction to Digital Data (formerly Introduction to Digital Libraries), Copyright for Information Professionals, and Grantwriting. The semester is winding down with about two weeks left. I am looking forward to the end of semester, but maybe not so much since that just means a few weeks to the start of next semester.
- Next semester is busy. Right now I’m registered for more courses than I reasonably can take: I have to drop one or two of those courses. The problems here are: quite a few one-time opportunities combined with the near-completion of my program. I have to take IST 613 (Library Planning, Marketing, Assessment) now since it is only offered in the Spring. I have an opportunity to take Hyperlinked Library through WISE (I could register directly through SJSU, but that would cost more). IST 604 (Cataloging) is offered “as needed” so who knows when it’ll appear again. Finally, IST 681 (Metadata) is offered once each year so take it now or wait …
- Right now I’m chasing down a virtual internship to start late Spring or so. I can’t do a conventional internship—can’t afford to do that because the day job is not-so-interested in having me not there during the day. More on this in another message.
- I agreed to be the new editor of the SLA IT division newsletter b/ITe (the current issue can be found at http://it.sla.org/bite/v29n3/). My work doesn’t begin until next year, but I think this is going to be fun.
All of this plus my day job. Thankfully, we seem to have sorted out the desktop admin position with someone smart and reliable.