So … just a few weeks ago I was concerned about finding an internship and figuring out classes for the spring. I’m down to three classes for the spring and may drop one more before the semester starts … The internship, however, has turned out nicely. Just a few days after I last posted here […]
what’s going on lately
I’m taking three courses: Introduction to Digital Data (formerly Introduction to Digital Libraries), Copyright for Information Professionals, and Grantwriting. The semester is winding down with about two weeks left. I am looking forward to the end of semester, but maybe not so much since that just means a few weeks to the start of next […]
my first LibGuide
Last semester one of my assignments was to create a LibGuide … I had never used one before, so creating one was a whole new experience … I ended up creating a LibGuide for a boring topic but one which might be useful for folks wondering if they really need Windows to have a solid […]
coming together nicely
one of the assignments in my reference class calls for five hours of observation in reference environments … my luck with sfpl has improved dramatically: i met the assistant director of the library while she was working the information desk, and she has put me on to people in other areas of the main that […]