The subject pretty much tells it all. I didn’t come here to learn much about technology–the accident of my career up to my point leaves me well-positioned with respect to most new technologies. Instead, I came here to understand the practice which will help us as librarians to harness these technologies, leading to enabling our […]
This is why I’m here …
Reflective practice is one of the reasons I’ve made my switch to librarianship. I have worked in technology for a very long time, but in capacities which haven’t really encouraged reflective practice. Technology moves so quickly that many feel there really isn’t time for reflective practice–“be nimble, be quick” is seen to conflict with this. […]
Mobile and Geo-social? Sure … but …
Right off the top I have to say that Google Glass puts me off. A a potential user of the technology I’d want to use it everywhere, of course–it would be super convenient. As a bystander I would be concerned about privacy. I can easily see this technology possibly banned from certain public places like […]
the annoying side of disruptive technology
It is often true that, when technology disrupts our existence, it starts subtly … when Facebook appeared on the scene it was limited to university undergraduates (and so its impact was limited to that population). When Twitter appeared many people were interested but didn’t quite know what to do with it. Lately, though, everyone knows […]
Connecting to all members
Using Facebook for this purpose has a bunch of downsides … many related to the ownership and management of Facebook. Specifically, the Facebook discussion in the lecture made me think of my own usage of Facebook. I am probably an early adopter of Facebook for my age group although this is almost certainly an accident—Facebook […]
On transparency …
While working through this week’s transparency readings I was struck by the tone of some of the work. It all felt very serious, “you must do this!” … very strident. Of course, this happens because transparency is really important for our institutions (not just for libraries but for most of the institutions that we interact […]
Quick Response codes as technolust?
I think so. On the surface they seem like a great idea: they’re square images which have encoded information which can be easily captured with a smartphone’s camera. The encoded information is usually a URL but can also be an email address, a SMS destination, etc. The user snaps a photo of the quick response […]
on participatory librarianship
This is Tasha … she is 23 years old! One of my homework supervisors. I wanted to help people solve problems. I didn’t care about books (well, I did and I do, but this was far from my motivation to go to library school). I already knew I was good with problems, and sharing that […]
Too many techno-negatives!
The challenges related to technology which were identified in Michael’s white paper “The Hyperlinked Library” felt very familiar. Having worked with technology for a very long time I’ve sometimes felt these myself and have helped others overcome these challenges. Techno-hesitation is particularly vexatious. It’s not just libraries which face this problem; for many of us […]
Initial impression from foundation readings
My main problem with the Library 2.0 likeness is that it seems to be inspired by the dot-com experience. For many people the dot-com time was awesome, but for me it represented lots of poorly-managed change, unsustainable services and a general “set up to fail” flavor. The first chapter of Library 2.0 outlines the difficult […]